
This page describes StackState version 4.2.

The StackState 4.2 version range is End of Life (EOL) and no longer supported. We encourage customers still running the 4.2 version range to upgrade to a more recent release.

Go to the documentation for the latest StackState release.

What is the Openshift StackPack?

This StackPack is used to create a near real-time synchronization of topology and their internal services from a Openshift cluster to StackState.


The StackState Openshift StackPack provides the following functionality:

  • Reporting the different type of workloads.

  • Reporting nodes, pods, containers and services.


To install the Openshift Stackpack, please go through the below steps.


The following prerequisites are required for manual installation:

  • A Openshift Cluster must be up and running.

  • Kubectl(1.14+) binary

  • Cluster KubeConfig must be properly set in the path.

Enable Openshift state

To gather your kube-state metrics:

  1. Download Kube-State v.1.8.0 manifests zip file from the Kubernetes StackPack configuration page in your StackState instance

  2. Apply:


Openshift compatibility matrix

  • ✅ Fully supported version range.

  • ❌ The Openshift cluster has features the client-go library can't use (additional API objects, etc).

Manually installing the StackState Openshift Cluster Agent

To execute the manual installation follow these steps:

  1. Download the manual installation zip file from the Kubernetes StackPack configuration page in your StackState instance and extract it (if not done already).

  2. Make sure the kubectl binary version 1.14+ is installed.

  3. From the command line run:

    ./ {{config.baseUrl}}/stsAgent {{config.apiKey}}
  4. Enter same cluster-name value as used in the input box previously when asked after running this script.

Last updated